COVID-19 Useful Links

Below are a range of resources to provide you with additional information about COVID-19.

Get the latest official COVID-19 Information

Get the ‘Coronavirus Australia’ App:

1. Go to your app store (Apple App Store/Google Play)
2. Search for ‘Coronavirus Australia’ app otherwise it should be on your App Homepage
3. Click the downwards arrow to download
4. You should now have access to the ‘Coronavirus Australia’ App

Get the Australian government’s Whatsapp:

1. Go to your App store and download ‘Whatsapp’ (Apple Store/Google Play)
2. Message +61 400 253 787 or go to in your web browser to get Coronavirus information you can trust. If using the web browser, this should automatically work
3. If using your phone, you will need to manually send this number a message and it will provide you with prompts
4. From there you will be able to select information from latest news, checking your symptoms to advice from states/territories

If you need to contact us, you can reach us on phone 1300 245 468 or via email

State Specific Information

Victorian Department of Health – 1800 675 398

NSW Department of Health – 1300 066 055

QLD Department of Health – 13HEALTH (13 432 584)

South Australia Department of Health – 1300 232 272

Tasmanian Department of Health – 1800 671 738

Western Australia Department of Health

Mental Health Resources

Yarning SafeNStrong
1800 95 95 63

Dardi Munwurro Aboriginal Men’s Support Line
1800 435 799

Lifeline Australia
13 11 14

Beyond Blue
1800 650 893